Buffalo Shooter Payton Gendron
Buffalo market shooter Payton Gendron

Who is Wyatt_Coto? Buffalo shooting has been trending on twitter and other social media networks. On Saturday a mass shooting incident took place in Buffalo. Moreover, the fellow who shot to death ten people during the event also streamed live the entire shooting incident.

However, the video was streamed live on Twitch but later the authorities took down the disturbing video.

But a Twitter user posted the same disturbing video on Twitter shortly after the incident.

Since the video of the Buffalo mass shooting surfaced on Twitter people are searching for the username of the Twitter user who posted the same video.

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Who is Wyatt_ Coto Twitter?

Who is Wyatt_ Coto? Buffalo shooting incident is trending on social media that the username of twitter Wyatt_Coto and the person who killed 10 people in Buffalo, NY is the same.

People are  anxious and eager to Know whether both are the same or not.

Buffalo Shooting
Buffalo shooting

The shooting occurred on Saturday afternoon, a white white 18-year-old wearing military gear and livestreaming with a helmet camera opened fire with a rifle at a supermarket in Buffalo, killing 10 people and wounding three others Saturday in what authorities described as “racially motivated violent extremism.”

Buffalo Shooting Incident Video

The suspect is identified as Payton Gendron, an 18 years old male from Conklin. Payton is a civilian of a small town Conklin in New York.

Conklin is approximately 200 miles far from Buffalo where the incident occurred. However, the suspect is also a Twitch streamer who posted the shooting incident on Twitch.

Later the disturbing video was removed from the platform but someone posted the same content on Twitter as well. The user who posted the same content on Twitter is available with the username Wyatt_Coto.

Buffalo Shooting Payton Gendron
Buffalo shooter Payton Gendron

However, the suspect and Wyatt_Coto are not the same guys. Payton is currently being interrogated in prison while Wyatt_Coto is an unidentified person who just uploaded the same content to increase the reach of his social media account.

Court has ordered Payton to remain in jail without parole. While Wyatt_Coto is not accused of any offense and there is no connection between him and Buffalo shooting incident.




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